Thursday, August 20, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020

Bait-&-Switch: How they’ve changed the Covid conversation by Kit Knightly from Off-Guardian.
VIDEO: Spanish Doctor Destroys Government-Media COVID ‘Crisis’ Narrative from 21st Century Wire via YouTube.

Is This Fraud Ever Going to End? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (a Brit) from his channel on YouTube.

‘No Jab, No Pay’: Australia to Use UBI, Benefit Payments to Enforce Vaccine Compliance from 21st Century Wire.

Why Is Desperately Poor India Beating New York’s COVID-19 Response? by Adam Mill from American Greatness.

The Real Reason Why Blackstone is Courting the Pentagon by Whitney Webb from The Last American Vagabond. (Note: This article belongs in the "best posts" category. It is an outstanding example of the investigative reporting by Webb who is tracking the leading members of the Deep State who shape policies of the ruling capitalist class.)
All Spying All the Time by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano from Creators. (Note: I recommend spending a few moments to watch the editorial cartoons on this website.)

Will Belarus Become the Next Banderastan? by "The Saker" (Andrei Raevsky) from The Unz Review. (Note: Raevsky uses an odd spelling ("Ianukovich") for the Western conventional spelling of "Yanukovych", the former head of the Ukrainian government.)

My commentary follows:

Raevsky is clearly the best informed writer on the web who understands what is going on in Belarus. The Empire is using their color-revolution strategies to subvert the Belarus's government and co-opt many opposition groups by funding the latter. I cannot understand why the opposing independent nations cannot come up with appropriate defense against these color revolutions. One would think that the Russian and Belarus leadership, after the Ukraine experience, would have devised effective counter strategies to prevent this from happening especially in a border state like Belarus.

Apparently only genuine democratic nations (instead of fake democracies) can withstand these strategies, but these nations have not yet appeared and I doubt that they will appear before climate destabilization puts an end to humans and most other species. If indeed by a miracle such nations did appear in the time remaining, it would still be too late to save humanity because climate destabilization has already set in. But this miraculous event would served to redeem (def) the human species for their roughly 10, 000 years of acceptance of self-serving ruling class societies.

A Closer Look At Belarusian Opposition’s Heavily Anti-Russian National Policy Plans from South Front.