Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020

(Note: The post introduces the main characters, Ron Paul and Robert Kennedy, Jr. and supplies this nearly 40 minute interview. Kennedy, with his encyclopedic knowledge about the important questions Paul asked, tends to use up all the time in the interview with his detailed knowledge. Paul has to cut him off in order to finish his questions. 
Paul is a classic American libertarian in that his political orientation of  national capitalism, but it is an outmoded (by neoliberalism) ideology that was quite fashionable up until WWII. Since then the neoliberalism of transnational capitalists, that rule the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, see the whole world "as their oyster" to develop the way they want (to increase their wealth and power) without inference from political party or any nation. American libertarians see the government as a threat to their laissez faire ideology and do not recognize any entity above the government, such as the Deep State. They share this view with many anarchists. The far left was purged from the American political scene shortly after WWII as a part of the drive to establish the Deep State's Empire. This purge of the "old left" was very well described by Bruce Lerro.)