Thursday, August 27, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020

We know by now that nothing of this, masks, “cases / infections”, quarantine, lockdown, vaccination, or any other repressive measure have anything to do with covid. They are means and instruments for the New World Order (NWO) to “train” the population for total obedience and control by the invisible super power, or deep dark state. WHO plays a key role in this nefarious plans, as it still is regarded by most people and governments as an authority, as far as world health is concerned which sadly, it has ceased to be decades ago.
I missed this article when it was published online last week largely because I thought it was about Canadians and their issues. But on another website this morning I was convinced that Ehret was addressing not only a parochial Canadian issue, but an issue that worries the transnational capitalist ruling class that governs the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Canada is an integral part of the Empire, and this reports on events after the Empire's leaders adopted the "Great Reset" project. This project is mainly designed to stop the Empire's threat from China and its New Silk Road project (aka Belt and Road Initiative) that many nations have already signed onto, including some European nations. However, there several other problems that the transnational ruling capitalist class is confronting, and the current covid-19 pandemic is the chosen method to deal with all of these concerns. It is evident that I am departing from Ehret's formulation which cites Carny and Freeland as the main actors pushing this "Great Reset". But most all, I firmly reject his main conclusion: 
If the world is truly as closed, finite and entropic as the misanthropic minds of an Oxford-trained technocrat like Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland or David Attenborough, then this sort of post-COVID world order would admittedly be the way to go. 
Our planet is overburdened by capitalist operations which has resulted in over-population, but it is obvious that our, or any, planet has finite resources and environmental limits which no species can exceed. Thus, we can only conclude that Ehret agrees that the "Great Reset" project and capitalism are the best methods/systems that humans can design.  
It is no secret that the Empire is worried about the challenge that independent nations, such as China, Russia, and Iran are posing for their dominance in our overburdened planet. However, they are worried about several other issues: over- population, the unsustainability of the operations under the existing capitalist system, the financial quagmire that they find themselves in, and excessive burdens posed by "useless eaters" such as old and lame people on their nation's treasuries. I firmly believe that the present covid-19 crisis, whether engineered by Empire agents or not (likely it was), has resulted in the "Great Reset" project which is designed to deal with all the above problems. 
It is obvious that the Empire's transnational capitalist ruling class is not concerned about all the onerous effects that their project will impose on workers, but the members are only concerned with all of their problems, and number one is China. It is my opinion that they are using this covid-19 crisis as cover for all of their problems. Using this crisis as cover permits them to impose all kinds of restrictions on their populations which in normal times would be illegal and unconstitutional.
  • Germany Starts Universal Basic Income Trial Giving Some Citizens $1400 A Month For 3 Years by Arjun Walia from Collective Evolution. (My reaction: I can't believe that this is actually happening. The author admits that this measure is not supported by any political party in Germany. So, how did it pass in their legislature? The USA could not afford such a program due to the fact that they are engaged all over the world with occupations, invasions, and subversions.)