Saturday, August 8, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020 [two "best posts"]

  • The News that Didn't Make the News from Project Censored. (Note: This is a film trailer of the film "Project Censored The Movie: Ending the Reign of Junk Food News". You can watch the entire film free at this website, but I think we, that is, if we are able, should support the filmmakers. This post belongs in the "best posts" category on my website. I will attach it to the list of my recommended films only after viewing it to see if it meets my criteria for recommending it.) 11:00 PM CT--Note: After watching this old film about censorship, I realized that it was a liberal take on the theme of censorship back in mostly 2012. (The film was officially released in 2013.) Censorship and manipulation of the news is much more worse now than then, and I apologize for posting this. My excuse is that I am forced by time restrictions to make more snap judgements, and this permits errors to creep into my posts. I will try to avoid such errors in the future.
  • US credit outlook rated “negative” as concerns mount over dollar’s global role by Nick Beams from World Socialist Web Site. (My reaction is as follows: I have much respect for Nick Beams, a longtime socialist from Australia. Unlike most of the writers for this website, he consistently maintains his independence by reporting his independent views. But I've noticed a transition for this website from an independent voice of socialist writers to one of collaborating with the media corporations during this "pandemic" in order to exaggerate the fear aspects of the virus by posting articles about the dangers to workers. To be sure, those private enterprises that still employ workers ("essential workers") during this pandemic have little concern for the safety of workers as they do for the population at large, but the website has not run a single article regarding the fake and manipulated numbers that government authorities are reporting in order to spread fear. I have also noticed that Chairman David North has disappeared from the website. Could it be that he is ailing from the virus and has editorial control of website posts?) 
  • “Conspiracy Theory” – What Is It? by Peter Koenig from Global Research. (Note: This article is about much more than the term "conspiracy theory". It is mainly about the ruling classes control of the narratives about the current pandemic. This post is also in the "best posts" category.)
  • Beirut Explosion Lays Groundwork for Regime Change Push by Kit Knightly from Off-Guardian. (Note: The author goes on to provide evidence that the "regime change push" has ardent supporters among those in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. But he also writes "In short, we don’t know exactly what happened yet, or who is to blame. Also, you may want to read Elijah J. Magnier's take on the same subject. Hopefully, if any change comes about related to their government, it will be to the advantage of the Lebanese people in general. )