Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020

  • Merciless virus | Poor hit hardest by the COVID pandemic from RT (via YouTube). My reaction: Could it be that our masters in the ruling capitalist class are engaging in class warfare as they have done in the past several hundred years? If you believe that they care about your health, that is, if you are a "useless eater", and, if you are not one of their "essential workers" or highly trained and rewarded technical and professional workers and don't contribute to the power and wealth of the ruling class of major capitalists (often deceptively referred to by social-democrats as simply "billionaires"), I have several fine bridges to sell you.
  • Facts about Covid-19 from Swiss Policy Research. (Note: I regard this always updated website to be the most reliable source of information regarding the "pandemic".)