Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020

  • The Establishment’s Plan to Divide Part 2: COVID-19, Election 2020, and The Great Reset by Derrick Broze from The Last American Vagabond. My reaction: I think Broze spends too much time on how Trump functions to divide Americans, and not enough time devoted to exposing the carefully designed ruling class agenda of fomenting fear and chaos among ordinary Americans. Trump is a natural-born American capitalist of a nationalist variety, but the transnational ("neoliberal") ruling class intentionally creates chaos among ordinary Americans as a method to install more authoritarian measures. They want to do this as a part of their global domination project that I have exposed numerous times. Transnational capitalists see Trump, who unconsciously stirs up conflict, as an upstart who is detracting from their finely honed control methods, and as such, they are greatly irritated by him. They only included the clownish Trump on the 2016 ballot to ensure the victory of their chosen candidate Hillary Clinton; but they were surprised, as I was, that many voters simply withheld their votes with disgust from Clinton, and as a result, Trump was elected (by the electoral college but not by popular vote).
  • Brave New Money, part 1 and part 2 of a 2-part series. By Norbert Häring, a German blogger and economist, from his weblog Money and more. (Note: I think that this is a summary of his book by the same title.) My reaction: I think that digital money is a part of the The Great Reset project that the Empire wishes to accomplish with the pandemic. I assume that if they are successful, this will give them ever greater control (domination) over their populations. Control and domination is what the Empire and capitalism are all about.