Friday, September 4, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, Sept. 4, 2020

By keeping Americans angry and distracted by the partisan divide through pre-planned election chaos, a “New America” waits in the wings – one that is coming regardless of what happens on election day. That is, of course, unless Americans quickly wake up to the ruse.
My reaction follows:
I am giving this piece of investigative research top billing. I don't always do so because frequently my selection to order important articles follows other criteria--mainly to follow one important article after another to build momentum for a top article. But this well-researched piece explains with solid documentation the apparent current plan to use chaos strategy that I elaborated on in a commentary regarding Tuesday's post entitled "Riots for Neo-Liberalism: ANTIFA & BLM Are the Global Elites’ Useful Thugs". If this plan is followed and if Biden were to lose the November election, who knows where this plan will end?
  • Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans by Andre Vltchek from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: I apologize to my readers for not posting this very important article in the middle of August. It lends further evidence that the ruling class is using its well-honed method of chaos strategy to impel Americans into accepting more fascist methods. This is another best post.)