Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

This rather lengthy article exposes the Great Reset project as a wet dream of the current transnational capitalist ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. I think that the author places too much emphasis on the similarities on the current scene in America with that of 1930s fascism in Germany and Italy, and not enough emphasis on this vision of the Great Reset as a rather desperate fantasy of the transnational capitalists of the 21st century. Fascism is endemic to any capitalist system. Fascist capitalist classes use mostly crude methods of censorship, surveillance, and police state measures, while most other capitalist countries favor pseudo-democratic methods of controlled elections and carefully crafted propaganda that infects every institution.
Capitalism's trajectory was always headed in the direction of fascism, especially when capitalist countries are threatened. That is precisely why before WWII, during most of the 1930s, capitalist ruling classes in all the other "democratic" nations mostly supported the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. This support was motivated by the twin threats to capitalist regimes posed by the Great Depression and the rise of the Soviet Union which forbid any significant private ownership of the economy. The latter's system of socialism was a blasphemy to the church in which capitalists worship.

The British ruling class was especially disturbed by any country that promoted socialist policies; and when the Soviet Union appeared, they viewed it as a threat to their system and Empire. But Germany didn't exactly follow the British script for them to head east through Czechoslovakia and destroy the Soviet system. Instead they invaded Poland which held defense treaties with Britain and France. The German government had just signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with the Soviet Union which permitted the two powers to partition Poland between them. 
The allies have made much of that in their propaganda and the rewriting of the history of WWII. But having failed to form an anti-fascist alliance with the Western powers, the Soviets opted to gain time to prepare for the expected invasion of their country by Germany. As a result the Soviets in August of 1939 signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany in which they would carve up Poland between themselves. Shorty thereafter the Nazis invaded Poland and formally started WWII.
After eight months of a phony war with Britain, Nazi Germany invaded France and the Low Countries, and it became clear to the British that Germany was a threat to the British Empire. It was then that British capitalists switched their support (Neville Chamberlain) from the imperialist policies of Germany and Italy to an organizing (Winston Churchill) of capitalist friends of British capitalists to protect their British Empire.

Germany initially overran France on other European countries and went on to attack Britain. The German capitalist ruling class was motivated by resentment that France and Britain demonstrated in the Versailles Treaty after WWI, and the overt fascists of the ruling German capitalist class soon represented a threat to the British Empire and their dominance in the world. WWII left Britain in ruins, so the British ruling class, and what remained of the Empire, teamed up with the American capitalists to form a new capitalist empire (they later added Israel) to counter the socialism found in the Soviet Union and to restore capitalist control of the world. And, as they say, the rest is history. (Read Big Business and Hitler by Jacques R. Pauwels for further information on this subject.)
Few are surprised that defenders of Julian Assange against the UK injustice system are misrepresented or excluded by imperialist country governments supported by all the disinformation outlets their countries' oligarchs control. However, scientists questioning public policy on COVID-19 find themselves marginalized not only by dominant liberal opinion but also by majority progressive opinion too. Eminent scientists like John Ioannides, Sunetra Gupta, Sucharit Bhakdi, Alexander Kekulé, Dolores Cahill and dozens of others find themselves in effect, if not disappeared, certainly generally excluded from public discussion.
  • Dr Kevin Corbett Interview 4th October 2020 by "David" who interviews Corbett from the Northern Exposure channel of YouTube. (Note: I don't know anything about Dr. Corbett other than what is provided in the interview, and I don't know anything about "David" who apparently lives in Scotland. I was impressed by Dr. Corbett's interesting comments, and I encountered similar arguments from a "Piece of Mindful" website entitled “Covid-19” = AIDS with emPHAsis.)
  • The Covidian Cult by C.J. Hopkins from his weblog Consent Factory, Inc. (Note: I haven't read the article to determine whether it is satire or cogent observations, but I'm impressed with this satirist so much that I'm posting it anyway. Hopkins is an American currently living in Germany.)
Sorry, but I've again run out time and energy to complete the list of websites that contain articles which I think are credible.