Sunday, October 18, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, October 18, 2020

This also applies to David North of the World Socialist Web Site. He, and most of his writers, have jumped onto the bandwagon of scare tactics to instill fear in workers about this over-hyped "pandemic" which has caused untold harm by locking out millions of workers from employment. To be sure, employers of "essential" workers  have exposed worker-employees to unsafe working conditions and have largely ignored safety considerations, but North ignores the evidence of scientific research done by qualified independent experts that suggests the cure of the lockdowns and other policies are worse than the disease.
Regarding Bernhard, maybe I wasn't looking to him, an astute geopolitical analyst, to explain what is going on in this "pandemic". The articles that I have assembled from the beginning have suggested that something nefarious is going on. This huge medical controversy is being driven by fear inculcated in the population by the constant din of major media and the withdrawing of civil liberties by governmental authorities. I discovered yesterday that Bernhard had jumped on the fear pandemic along with others in the ruling class, and their numerous employees and sycophants, by attacking in a similar fashion Prof. Chossudovsky of Global Research. Bernhard impugns the integrity, expertise, and facts of independent and qualified experts. I was astounded by both of these critics.  
Have they both been compromised by the insidious and powerful influences of the ruling class and their Great Reset project?
  • Your Guide to The Great Reset, a 1:11:57 video featuring Jame Corbett (of The Corbett Report), a Canadian living in Japan, explaining from his point of view the "Great Reset" project. My reaction follows: 

I don't have time to listen to all of if, but I don't entirely agree with his general views on political subjects. He is an anarchist, a fashionable leftist type occurring nowadays. This view emphasizes mostly the rejection of official authorities. Anarchists frequently don't see a ruling class that behind the curtain controls the puppet shows that are incessantly broadcast by major media corporations and shows that are a pervasive influence in all other institutions of societies within the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Corbett in this broadcast acknowledges their existence, but goes on to mostly ridicule them.

Also, I think he rejects the notion of the threat of climate destabilization--which is real. This, I think, is mainly what the Great Reset is all about (among other issues), that is, I think that the transnational capitalist ruling class that controls the Empire are genuinely concerned about this issue and they see the Great Reset as a means to continue their system of capitalism. They see as a necessity to sacrifice the lives of people who don't contribute to their wealth and power ("useless eaters") as a solution to the growing threat of climate destabilization. But Corbett has useful perceptions and should be listened to, that is, if you have an hour and eleven minutes to spare.