Friday, October 23, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, October 23, 2020

  • The moment for change is now, a 18:17m video about a panel of European doctors, other professionals, and massive demonstrations protesting the fear-base reports on the "pandemic" and censorship by media corporations and the draconian violations of civil rights due to the policies of the government authorities. This post is from a channel of YouTube called "Kai Stuht Creative Caravan".  
  • The Fact Checkers, a 5:15m video featuring comedian JP Sears doing a parody of "fact checkers" from his YouTube channel AwakenWithJP.
  • Press Conference: Response Brief Filed in Landmark Case Against FCC from Children's Health Defense. (Note: Children's Health Defense is legally challenging the FDA's dismissive challenge to 5G technology based on scientific evidence. My reaction: Nothing is allowed to stand in the way of big profits by corporations. Corporations are addicted to profits (and power) under capitalism, and with profits come power ... over us.
  • How Big Ag Tries To Silence Critics featuring a 5:28m video of Naomi Karavani of the Redacted Tonight channel of YouTube doing a parody of Big Ag: agricultural corporations like Bayer-Monsanto, Conagra, Tyson Foods, and meat packers. These corporations are also growing huge and powerful under capitalism like all corporations in other industries.
In her "Weekly Offensive" Naomi Karavani dives into how the pandemic has revealed the flaws in the factory farm food production system. More people are becoming aware that Big Animal Agriculture spreads disease, and is bad for the environment, workers, and animals. The industry is fighting back against these valid criticism and their desperation is laughable.
The U.S. Department of Justice is being played like a fiddle at a tractor meet. Those big white shoe law firms that handle increasingly dirty cases against the mega banks on Wall Street have twice, in a period of just three weeks, managed to get the Justice Department to announce settlements of landmark criminal cases against two of the largest banks on Wall Street on the day of presidential debates when the public and the media are not paying attention to Wall Street.
  • Killing Unknown by Hiroyuki Hamada from Off-Guardian. My reaction: The only real solution is revolution! This is a best post!