Monday, October 26, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, October 26, 2020

General note: There was only one post, the first post, that I found today. (Note: I have added a post at 11:48 AM CT.) But, together with several posts from as recent as Friday that I didn't get to, my recommendations for today are the following:

  • Scott Atlas: I’m disgusted and dismayed. This post features a video interview with Dr. Scott Atlas, recently appointed as senior advisor to the President, posted on the Unherd website that is based in Britain. I thought we should hear from this prominent figure regarding the pandemic.
  • Washington’s Long War on Syria: An Update by Stephen Gowans, a Canadian, from his weblog What's Left. (I've posted two articles--see above--by Gowans because I believe he is a top geopolitical analyst. I've neglected the international scene due to the shenanigans regarding the pandemic going on in the USA and throughout the Empire.)