Thursday, October 29, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, October 29, 2020

  • Election Special: Pre-Planned 2020 Election Chaos and the “New 9/11” (Part 1) from The Last American Vagabond. (Note: I am posting this because Whitney Webb joins Ryan Cristián in discussing the topic in a two hour and 27 minute discussion. I have in the past resisted posting the latter's "Daily Show" because he has a case of "diarrhea of the mouth" in which he takes so much of our time to review current events. I have only listened to about 20 minutes, but I intend to listen to the rest of the discussion later. However, I view Whitney Webb's knowledge as a veritable encyclopedia of Empire's Deep State agents (CIA, Israeli, other secret government agencies, and/or outsourced to private corporations) events, and her statements are all based on extensive research.) 
General Note: Because of the many deceptions by the ruling class in their Great Reset project, I have neglected one of the main themes of this website--climate destabilization. This selection of posts will only partially make up for this interruption.
  • Post-doom with Michael Dowd from Dowd's YouTube's channel "thegreatstory". (Note: Michael Dowd discusses with Paul Beckwith, a Canadian climate scientist, in an approximately one hour interview, the latter's take on future events relating to the climate crisis that we may expect happen. You should not miss this best post.)