Saturday, October 3, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, October 3, 2020

  • Giorgio Agamben and the Biopolitics of COVID-19 by Simon Elmer from Architects for Social Housing, a British website. (Note: Although this post is past my informal rule of limiting posts to one month, I will post it anyway because of its startling clarity about the dangers of the "new normal" which is being promoted by all authorities of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. (Note: This article is about the writings of an Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben, but applies to the political scene in Britain. It is a rather lengthy article, but one that should be read to understand the nature of the "Great Reset" project, a bio-politics that the Empire is promoting with the covid-19 pandemic. It is a best post. 
  • Big Business Is Swallowing the World, Thanks to Lockdowns and Bailouts by Austan Goolsbee and posted on Anti-Empire. (Note: the original source was NY Times, but in this post I have detoured a bit from my usual practice of posting only from original source. I have my personal limits, and in this example I will not post to a source that has been engaging in disinformation almost continuously. But like a broken clock, they sometimes give the time accurately--twice a day.)
I did not get through all of my credible websites to pursue articles that may be of your special interest before I ran out of time and energy.