Monday, November 16, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, November 16, 2020

  • AOC is WRONG About Biden's Chief Of Staff! featuring Jimmy Dore of the Jimmy Dore Show (via his YouTube channel) sarcastically commenting on the latest Biden appointment as Chief of Staff. (Note: Dore only gets around to AOC's (prominent Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) Tweet at 8:00m in which she approves of Biden's choice.) My commentary follows: 
The Deep State's (essentially the capitalist board of directors that determine the real policies of our government) choice for president is a sociopath, and it is perfectly understandable that he chooses other sociopaths (also read this) to head the Deep State's government. I think that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has realized that serving the Deep State is a highly advantageous way to advance one's career in government. But, as many others object by saying, they wanted the other fascist gang to control "our" government! I hate to disillusion Trump supporters by revealing that the main ruling class represented by the Deep State never lost control of the government, only its largely titular head. They continued their control of the military, the vast network of "intelligence" organizations, most of Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other institutions similar to their control of media corporations.
With the concentration of greenhouse gases rising by approximately 47% during the last century and a half, faster than almost any observed rise in the Cenozoic geological record, the term “climate change” refers to an extreme shift in state of the atmosphere-ocean system. The greenhouse gas rise and temperature rise rates are faster than those of the K-T mass extinction, the Paleocene-Eocene extinction and the last glacial termination.