Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, December 15, 2020

  • Socialist Media - The New Rules featuring JP Sears, a comedian doing a parody of YouTube censorship rules. My reaction: I got a chuckle over this, but it is obvious that Sears has been thoroughly indoctrinated in US propaganda that has the socialist/communist countries as the source of all evil. He believes this despite the fact that they are the countries, according to this pervasive propaganda, that are the sworn enemies of US and all capitalist countries. This illustrates the power of propaganda to instill in subjects over all their lives the narratives of their propaganda. You can still be entertained by his satire here.
  • Critical and Revolutionary Theory from Internationalist 360° featuring a 35:00m video appearance (after which is a Q&A to the full 1 hr and 31m--I'm still listening to it) of Gabriel Rockhill, who I consider the best Marxist intellectual in the USA, lecturing on this subject. A best post. (Note: This post is appropriate mostly for advanced students of the subject, and for those who are concerned about mostly post-war subversion of Marxist oriented intellectuals.) My reaction: I especially learned a lot about the history of the subversion of Marxist oriented intellectuals (beginning about 24 minutes into his lecture) or "the policing of the left border of acceptable [Marxist] critique" that especially occurred due to influence of CIA agents in the post-WWII period. I have personally noticed the corruption of "acceptable critique". 
  • Brexit Bluster Exposes the Waning of English Power by Patrick Cockburn from CounterPunch. Call for your responses: I don't understand the Brexit issue, and especially it's influence the people of Northern Ireland. If anyone understands the issue in whole or in part, I invite emails responses to Ron, goatmeal36@yahoo.com. Is Cockburn right about his argument that Brexit represents a waning of British power?
  • Menacing Methane – An Analysis by Robert Hunziker from CounterPunch. (Note: I listened to Dr. Peter Wadhams' hour and half lecture. However, Hunziker provides a good summary of his lecture in which he cited an immediate warning of a methane burst which will likely have catastrophic consequences for humans. If this article is of interest to you, you might also find this post interesting.) My commentary follows:
Wadhams has trained as a physical scientist who is rather pessimistic about humans solving this problem. However, where I, who has trained as a political sociologist through mostly independent study and experience, differ from him in that he blames the "ignorance" of humans in general for this lack of concern of the threats posed by the climate crisis, whereas I blame primarily the capitalist classes of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire which control all institutions of their societies. 
These capitalists are entirely addicted to their system of capitalism which has delivered to them so much profits and power that now they have created a powerful ruling class and an Empire. Therefore, it is no surprise that this Empire dominates the UN and its climate organization IPCC which he faults for having consistently underestimated the dangers of the climate crisis. It is obvious to me, and I'm joined by increasing others, that capitalism and the health of the planet are in direct opposition to each other.
During this current pandemic declared by the UN's World Health Organization, we see the obvious corruption of the UN agency through Bill Gates' top funding of the organization, but the majority of humans don't see his influence as corruption thanks to capitalist media coverage. Here in the USA the threats posed by the climate crisis is known by "climate change" which suggest a relatively benign threat thanks to the same capitalist media coverage. Wadhams, as a top climate scientist, claims that the threat is imminent.