Saturday, December 5, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, December 5, 2020

  • RFK Jr - The Big Question About C0VlD Vac3ines featuring Robert Kennedy, Jr. being interviewed by Ben Swann and posted on ISE. (Note: The "big question" is regarding the transmission of the Sars-2 corona virus which causes Covid-19 illness, but Kennedy also addresses at length a big censorship problem.) 
  • Soybean Shortage & Cyberattack on Food Supply Chain: Achilles’ Heel from Ice Age Farmer. (Note: The report by "Christian" relies on documentation from apparently reliable sources of information. But there are hints that the shortages are a bit contrived by the Great Reset project of the World Economic Forum, that is, the ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, who will use cyber attacks to create food shortages as cover for their more pernicious attacks on our civil liberties. I don't want to contribute to a spread of panic, but I've noticed some food shortages from my local stores, and together with his documentation, I think something is going on.)
  • Bretton Woods 2.0 featuring Jame Corbett of The Corbett Report disclosing what he has discovered about the plan for a new digital currency. This is a best post. My commentary follows:
I think we should follow his website and his research efforts to learn about the new digital currencies that the directors of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire's ruling capitalist classes have promised in glowing phrases for us to use. He leans heavily on other experts such as John Titus and Steven Guinness to inform what he has learned. However, I want to criticize his limitations regarding the history of money and his earlier affirmation of anarchism. I don't know enough about his recent conversion to "Agorism" to see if that offers any prospects for the formation of a currency not controlled by the directors of the Empire.
Corbett's thinking on this issue has been shaped by higher education in Canada, one of the nations of the present capitalist Empire. He has earlier described himself as an anarchist. Anarchism is an acceptable form of opposition granted by the Empire's ruling class in the education in students of in their nations due to the fact that it encourages students to oppose officials of their governments, but not the powerful capitalists (a ruling class) behind the "curtain" of governments under their control. Thus, one notices that increasingly the critics of policies refer to "oligarchs" or "technocrats" (the term Corbett uses in this video) to refer to powerful capitalists (mostly financiers) who work behind the scenes to enact policies favorable to them in terms of power and profits. 
In addition, Corbett error's in describing nefarious motives to Harry Dexter White behind the earlier history of Britton Woods. This he learned from Canadian higher education which was loaded with anti-Soviet propaganda during the Cold War. The Britton Woods agreement was simply an acknowledgment that the Western capitalist powers led by the USA and what was left of the British Empire would lead a post-war regime which later became an anti-socialist empire, and still is today. I don't wish to claim virtues for the mixed economies of Russia, China, and their allies, but they are the only nations that are in opposition to the imperialist actions of the existing US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. 
General Note: I didn't finish, and will not, my list of credible articles for today.