Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, January 5, 2021

  • “Russian Hacking”: NATO PsyOp Revealed from Swiss Policy Research. My reaction: The US/Anglo/Zionist Empire specializes in psy-ops. I think the pandemic is one such psy-op. The general American public has still not realized that the US capitalist ruling class see them also as an enemy. But when they do, it will be "lights out" (def. #2) for the ruling class.
  • Russia vs a Biden Administration by The Saker (Andrei Raevsky) from his weblog. My reaction: He knows more about Russia that most experts know, and he foresees a dim future for the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.
  • Taking ownership: The Western world is responsible for our own COVID-19 self-destruction by Jordan Schachtel from his weblog The Dossier. My reaction: Although I think that Empire agents planned the pandemic as a cover for a number of nefarious reasons, I can't prove it. If the geopolitical strategy against China was a part of their cover, it has proved to be futile. However, many other dubious objectives might be achieved by these agents including (but not limited to) population reduction, the introduction of digital money, introduction of sophisticated technology that will have adverse consequences for ordinary people, but will enormously benefit the ruling capitalist class.
  • Climate Change? ‘Yes, Please’ Says Russia by Climate Change? ‘Yes, Please’ Says Russia from secondarily Anti-Empire, but primarily from NY Times (I refuse to post it from the NY Times, a primary agent of Empire propaganda). This is a best post. My reaction: This is an important lengthy article in that it points to many near-term geopolitical implications of global warming for regions in Siberia, Canada, and the northern regions across the globe. It is a complicated picture, but Russia and China seem to be aware of it and doing the most to reap the benefits from this phenomenon:
Ultimately, it is the clumsy maneuvering of the United States that might prove most responsible for making Putin’s eastern development agenda a success. American tariffs, imposed as part of the Trump administration’s trade war with China, led to China’s own retaliatory tariffs on U.S. soybeans, creating the largest catalyst for Chinese buyers to look north for new markets. According to the U.S. Congressional Research Service, China’s total food and agricultural imports from Russia increased 61 percent in 2017 and 2018, yet another example of the U.S. failure to see the chessboard when it comes to the intricate geopolitical implications of climate change.
But, of course, the NY Times, the pre-eminent newspaper of the Empire, is primarily concerned about the geopolitical implications, and not about the longer-range implications for humans and other species.