Friday, January 1, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, January 1, 2021

  • Pigs Catch COVID – UK Bans Free Range Chickens! – War on Meat / Animal Ag by Christian Westbrook of California from his weblog Ice Age Farmer. (Note: He addresses various signs of shortages of animal protein in this 16:21m video report that, in his opinion, suggests future shortages of our meat supply. He cites current articles which report coronavirus infections in animal stocks which supply our meat. At the end of this video he refers us to a website that promises so much as solutions to meet this protein crisis as well as many other societal problems. I will comment on this website in the next post.)
  • The Greater Reset by followers of a relatively new philosophy of "agorism". (Note: "The Greater Reset" is a response to the Great Reset.) My commentary follows: 
This website espouses a new movement created by followers of "agorism" that offers solutions to many societal difficulties that we are now experiencing. Agorism is a philosophy that is gathering support from various critics of neoliberalism. Is this an effective answer to today's problematic capitalist nightmare? My tentative conclusion is negative. After perusing various websites that offer explanations about various aspects of agorism, I have found numerous disturbing elements.

Perusing the Wikipedia entry for agorism, I find that it was strongly influenced by the American version of libertarianism, the followers of Ludwig von Mises of the Austrian School, and such "notables" as Ayn Rand. They (seminal ancestors and current agorists) all want a return to earlier forms of pure capitalism which has inevitably spawned what we are currently experiencing as neoliberalism, a transnational capitalist philosophy that exclusively focuses on profit, and non-capitalists, that is, ordinary people be damned.
This movement is no threat to the transnational capitalist class--in fact, they welcome these new antagonists--that is in control of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire that has a history of ignoring in practice the destabilization of our climate such that they are ensuring our extinction along with most other species. This is their cardinal sin, but it ignores their history of exploitation of workers, numerous and neverending wars, poverty, inequality in all aspects, etc. To return to some mythical golden age of capitalism is out of the question. Capitalism is the problem and the solution is revolution. 
I think that the leaders of the agorist movement have been influenced by ruling class's version of history, the indoctrination and 24/7 propaganda that they have been exposed to throughout their lives that they are so confused and inadequately prepared to solve anything. My tentative conclusion is that they (agorists) are excelling as critics but totally failing as revolutionaries. As a result, we will have to look to foreign activists to find revolutionary solutions (or at least outside of the core nations of the current Empire, that is, USA and what was formally known as the British Empire).
  • Planet Lockdown featuring Catherine Austin Fitts in a 48:31m interview posted on Truth Matters channel of YouTube (with some unnamed person) expressing her views regarding the significance of the lockdown and related matters that our ruling class has in the form of governors' emergency powers to dictate activities on the general population. According to this post "The full film, when released, will be available at".