Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

  • Freedom Airway featuring a 24:22m interview with Professor Delores Cahill, who has a degree in molecular biology, conducted by James Corbett from his weblog The Corbett Report.
Professor Delores Cahill joins the deprogram today to discuss a solution for freedom-respecting travel in the age of COVID. The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance is seeking to create travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines.
  • Government Mistakes Provided the Breeding Ground for the Mutant Virus, Which it is Now Using as an Alibi for Its Failures by Patrick Cockburn from CounterPunch. My reaction: Cockburn's observations regarding the poorest areas of Britain produces an argument that the ruling class's government knowingly allowed the coronavirus to mutate and spread among the poor. Because Britain's poorest go without immediate access to quality medical services and that they had to keep working to survive, the ruling class had perfect alibis to cull the poor from their nation. Could the rich directors of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have engineered this virus in their secret bio-weapon laboratories in order to cull the "useless eaters" from their population? One might suspect so because they are guilty of other social crimes (wars for one) of this magnitude. This suspicion leads one to the insight that the global pandemic is a class war that the Empire's capitalist ruling classes are committed to winning.
  • January 6 Was An Inside Job featuring in a 26:03m podcast Abby Martin, Mike Prysner, and Brian Becker, who has made a study of the Jan. 6 incident, discuss why they think it was an "inside job". I suspect that it was a Deep State project carried out by the secret intelligence services to prepare the public (psy-op) for more legislation curbing civil-rights of the general public. But I do not agree with them in their prediction that the "powers that be" will legally go after Trump to the extent of imprisoning him. If you have a special interest in this event, you may be also interested in a piece of investigative journalism entitled "Was Trump Ousted from the Military Chain of Command?" from the same website.
  • How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others by Eric Zuesse from Strategic Culture Foundation. My reaction: Zuesse is always careful to portray the US government as determined by an "aristocracy" of wealth in order to avoid the Marxist expression "ruling class". You see, any hint of Marxism is verboten in the USA.
  • US makes aggressive opening move on Russian chessboard by M. K. Bhadrakumar from his weblog Indian Punchline. My reaction: He is convincing in his argument that the USA or by extension, the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire will attempt to use the "divide and conquer" strategy in a move in the dangerous global chess game.
One species – Homo sapiens – is annihilating life on Earth, driving at least 200 species to extinction each day. In the time it took you to read this article, another species of life on Earth vanished into the fossil record.
My reaction: After researching this subject for more than 40 years, I hold the opinion that it is already too late to save our species; but that to redeem ourselves, we must fight capitalists and their addictions to profits and power by establishing our ownership and control over the economies of the world.