Sunday, February 21, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Sunday, February 21, 2021

  • Musings From Dystopia, a 29:40m video featuring Dave Cullen from his channel Computing Forever on Bitchute. My commentary follows: 
I object to his and other dissidents' statements impugning the climate crisis that we already in. The climate crisis is real and the ruling capitalist classes know it, but they themselves are guilty of causing it. Furthermore, they have chosen the wrong solution--depopulation of "useless eaters", that is, people who don't contribute to the profits of corporations. 
And, he is wrong about associating the coronavirus strategies used by capitalist governments with socialism/communism. Cullen's views have been shaped by schools in capitalist Ireland. He mentions billionaires and the rich, but he doesn't associate this with anything--it's just a fact of life like the air we breathe, not a system that capitalists have created to serve their needs of wealth and power. Again, like a good anarchist, he targets the "state" as being the villain. The Irish capitalists will love him for this. But I agree with the rest of his observations regarding the governments' solutions.
  • Is there a remedy for the PCR disease? (Part 1) by T.P. Wilkinson from Dissident Voice. (This article features an important 48:49m video in which "Dr Füllmich, a German attorney, explains why the evidence to date warrants not only charges of fraud (not negligence) and crimes against humanity".)
Amidst mass protests against their US-backed dictator, Abby Martin covers how the American Empire has determined the destiny of the Haitian people for generations. 
  • The Urge to Dominate by Nathan J. Robinson from Current Affairs. (Personal note: I remember in the late 1980s I went to a San Francisco store that advertised as having 10,000 games. I wanted to purchase a cooperative game, but I discovered they had none. I think this experience illustrates the power of a ruling class to shape all institutions in society, even games. Unlike the author, I think cooperative games can be fun, but it teaches values and methods of cooperation not competition which is incompatible with the underlying capitalist system or any other authoritarian and class-based system.