Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, February 10, 2021

  • The Disarticulation of Pandemic War Propaganda by Raul Diego from Mint Press News. In this post Diego presents a mountain of evidence that a propaganda project is being imposed on the US and (likely) European populations that China is responsible for most of the onerous restrictions imposed on populations worldwide. The sub-headline says what his prodigious research has uncovered: "An investigative analysis takes apart a hackneyed piece of propaganda authored by an international alt-right clique with links to the Pentagon." Read the post for the detailed and supporting evidence.
In an era where artificial intelligence seems to be rapidly developing by the day, should society begin to question to reliability of the fairly novel technology? We hear from co-host Ben Swann and cybersecurity expert Morgan Wright on the potential shortfalls of the computer intelligence and the perils that could accompany complete reliance.
  • The Headless Chicken and the Bear by "The Saker" (Andrei Raevsky) from "The Saker Blog". I regard Raevsky, who now lives in the USA, as the foremost expert on Russian politics writing in English today. Thus, this statement near the end of the article caught my eye:
For these reasons I would call the probability of an actual military clash between US/NATO and/or Russia/China as “likely in 2021”. As for the future of NS2, I always assumed that EU politicians can count their Euros and realize that the EU needs that project way more than Russia. Frankly, I am not so sure now: counting on the mental abilities of a headless chicken is probably not a good idea! Neither is counting on the courage of the type of politicians whom Boris Johnson once called “supine invertebrate protoplasmic jellies“.

You will need to know what his use of "3B+PU" means. I found what it means in another article he has written--"3 Balts plus Poland and the Ukraine". ("NS2" in the paragraph above means Nord Stream 2, the natural gas pipeline nearing completion which is posing a problem for European political leaders not wanting to offend the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire who have been dead-set (def.) against it.

  • Wish You Were Here by John Steppling from his weblog. (Note: Steppling is an American playwright who currently lives in Norway, but has traveled extensively throughout the world. Not only has he traveled, but he has lived in numerous countries. In this post, he muses about the significance of travel, identifies its roots in colonialism, and generally how travel serves, and has served, the ruling classes from a historical and cultural perspective.)