Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Quite simply, that being so invested, so immersed, in one particular ‘reality’, others’ ‘truths’ then will not – cannot – be heard. They do not stand out proud above the endless flat plain of consensual discourse. They cannot penetrate the hardened shell of a prevailing narrative bubble, or claim the attention of élites so invested in managing their own version of reality.

The ‘Big Weakness’? The élites come to believe their own narratives – forgetting that the narrative was conceived as an illusion, one among others, created to capture the imagination within their society (not others’).
  • Corporate Criminals by Rod Driver from his weblog Elephants in the Room. My reaction: Corporations only serve the ruling capitalist class, and as such they wreck havoc on the rest of the population in every society.  Corporations together with the financiers (banks, the Fed, etc.) are the motors of capitalism that exist to extract wealth from societies, and they use this wealth to further their power and control over societies.