Sunday, February 7, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, February 7, 2021

Perhaps I was prepared for this article after some related thoughts that infiltrated my consciousness as I was gradually awakening this morning. In any case, this short article contains some fundamental gems of truth that powerfully connects with me, and it has stimulated my thinking with further questions. However, I don't think that this essay is merely about elections. This insight applies to all of the delusions that they impose on us to preserve their power.
To extend the metaphor of this Alzheimer's facility even more, I ask this pregnant question: What if the staff operating that facility are also filled with delusions of power and grandeur? What if their system of capitalism has so concentrated wealth and power in their hands that they see themselves as super-humans, as a species apart from ordinary humans? Then their actions make more sense--at least, to me.

But this is a dangerous thought. Imagine that our masters in the ruling class have in their deluded thinking reached a conclusion that in order to save themselves they must get rid of us untermenschen? They might in this belief decide that we ordinary humans are "useless eaters" and expendable, or worse yet like "communists" or anti-capitalists--class enemies, and kill us all in order to save themselves from the climate crisis, which they have caused, and they know is coming sooner or later. Perhaps the Great Reset is one such delusion.
Given the history so far of the rich planners behind the coronavirus pandemic and their statements regarding the Great Reset, I think that a cyber-crime event on some scale is being crafted by at least the people involved in the Great Reset (which consist of the transnational ruling classes behind the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire). They are motivated to create this risky gamble by the following reasons: the basic conflict between capitalism and the stability of the climate, the potential possibilities created by privately-owned high tech corporations in the advances of artificial intelligence, the future of capitalist enterprises using automated technology that obviates the need for most workers, and the difficulties of capitalist financial institutions and the rich ruling classes to maintain their current existence in the face of so many debts.
  • The Boiling Frog Effect featuring Dave Cullen, an Irishman, from his Bitchute channel Computing Forever. (Note: This video was banned from YouTube.)
  • The Mainstream Bubble by Ralf Arnold, a German journalist, (translation by S. Robinson) from Off-Guardian (based in Britain).
  • Ofcom outrage must be opposed by Hugh Goodacre from CGTN (China Global Television Network--a prominent Chinese TV network). (Note: "Ofcom" is the UK's Office of Communications.)