Monday, March 15, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, March 15, 2021

  • Mark Carney: value or price? by Michael Roberts from his weblog. My reaction: Roberts discloses how one of our masters in the Empire's ruling class really thinks.
  • American Pravda: Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year by Ron Unz from The Unz Review. (Note: This is a rather lengthy article, but an excellent one.) My reaction: I differ with him in that I strongly suspect that this devious sub-project is related to the Great Reset project to reset the existing capitalist system to be a sustainable economy that can survive the destabilization of the climate. However, I entirely agree with his conclusion that it was a project conspired by the directorate of the Empire's ruling class and executed by secret agencies of the Empire. The Deep State of the USA have never ceased their interest in bio-weapons which had its roots in the Korean War. (Read This Must be the Place by Dave Chaddock.) 
An honest examination into the origin of SARS-COV2 suggests a danger more pernicious than the virus itself. How much of scientific opinion is dictated by non-scientific interests? How many other “consensus” positions are rooted in inexcusably poor reasoning and assumptions? If we can only rely on independent researchers to bring clarity to these topics, who is going to give them a voice? If there is a fact that can be extracted from this debate it would be that “trusting the science” and trusting what a media source says about “the science” can be two very different things.
When the Bulletin first took on climate change as an area of focus, it might have seemed an odd fit. “As they say, nuclear can do us in in an afternoon; climate change will take much longer,” Kennette Benedict, the Bulletin’s former director and publisher, who oversaw the inclusion of climate change in the clock-setting, told me. But the two crises are now an inseparable apocalyptic pair. If memories of fallout shelters and air raid drills make rising sea levels and extreme temperatures feel more pressing, then so be it.