Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Wednesday, March 17, 2021

  • 💥Intersectional Imperialism: A Wholesome Menace by Alex Rubinstein from his weblog on Substack. This is a best post. My reaction: This post is a most revealing exposé of identity politics ("wokeism") and how it is used to legitimize the most heinous acts and policies of the capitalist ruling class both within and without the USA. This strategy has its roots in the advanced technology of advertising so necessary to sell all the shoddy and unnecessary products of late-stage capitalism--the selling of anything.
  • Do U.S. and UK Have the World’s Most-Censored Press? by Eric Zuesse from Strategic Culture Foundation. My reaction: Although Zuesse avoids Marxist terms like ruling class, and instead prefers feudal words like "aristocracy" because a Marxist lexicon is verboten in the advanced capitalist societies, his description of the ruling class and their fake version of democracy is "spot-on".
Wet bulb temperature sounds almost comical, but the implications of it's [sic] extremes could not be more serious. And as our planet's atmosphere continues to warm, our tropical regions move ever closer to posing that existential threat to billions of people.