Thursday, March 4, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, March 4, 2021

  • Dr. James Lyons-Weiler PHD Interview – PEG, TEG & The Known Dangers Of The COVID Vaccines features Ryan Cristián, host from The Last American Vagabond, interviewing another medical scientist, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler PhD, who has challenged the government medical establishment over vaccine information that they have approved. The problems with this post are: Wieler's report is rather technical and the interview lasts 1:18:32m (it starts at about .50m). 
Joining me today is Dr. James Lyons-Weiler PhD, here to discuss the potential dangers of the mRNA COVID-19 injections. We will focus on how James called out the presence of unsafe epitopes as well as PEG within these injections, before they were being used, and how today the real-world data is verifying his claims. Finally, we go over TEG and the EPA’s newly authorized (for emergency use) ‘Chemical Air Treatment’ and how this only adds to the potential for damaging reactions. All of this was ignored, dismissed and disparaged by the very institutions charged with keeping you safe in exactly this way.
  • New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato from The Corbett Report and features the reporting of various topics, the first one is about what is a new "1984" policy from Los Angles public schools regarding a requirement for a "pass ap" to attend schools in a 24:56m video.
  • Skeletons in the Neoliberal Cupboard by Thomas Klikauer and Norman Simms from CounterPunch. My reaction: I can think of another skeleton: as the rich get richer and more powerful because they have mastered the game of capitalism aided by the wealth and power of their family and ancestors, they have also taken on an illusory omnipotent attitude. This neoliberal development is characterized by thinking that they, the rich and powerful transnational class of capitalists, are an exceptional race apart of the mass of humans; and because of the latter, they can dictate future societal arrangements (think the Great Reset) to the rest of us using mostly deceptive means. You see, the rest of us are too dumb to follow their commands so that they must deceive us into playing along with their plans by planting the idea that such plans are good for us and inevitable. And, they want us to love them while deceiving us.
  • Progressives Sell Out Workers on $15 Minimum Wage featuring Jimmy Dore exclaiming about the reluctance of the Democratic Party to push this legislation in Congress via a 24:15m video on his YouTube channel. My reaction: Dore is in the process of discovering how undemocratic Congress is and that both parties have to push policies that favor the capitalist ruling class. To do this, the Democrats, as a party supposedly favoring the working class, have to engage in deceptions far more than the Republicans.)
  • What Does An Ecological Civilization Look Like? by Jeremy Lent from Yes!. (Note: It should be obvious that I don't agree with any ancillary statements that authors make in my posts. An example for this post is the statement that Biden is saner than Trump--this is questionable.)