Saturday, March 6, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, March 6, 2021

In the subtitle Greenwald asks a great question: "If the threat of "armed insurrectionists" and "domestic terrorists" is as great as some claim, why do they have to keep lying and peddling crude media fictions about it?" My answer: Because Congress serves the needs of the capitalist ruling class. It is this function for which they are rewarded by the ruling class in the form of campaign financing so that Congress-people can keep their well-paid jobs and enjoy free medical care. But, this accomplishment is the source of so many other lies: elections matter, the claim of democracy, etc. Our masters are so accustomed to lying that have become chronic liars. They couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.
This phenomenon derives from the basic moral principle of capitalism with which you might be familiar: do what you have to do to please our masters in the ruling class (and their authorities and TV "talking heads") so that we can raise our families in security. The ruling class has gotten away with the most outrageous deceptions in the past (9/11, all the assassinations, the "War on Drugs", the "War on Terrorism", their many wars, etc. So why wouldn't the success of these deceptions (and the passive acceptance from most Americans) embolden them further with the grossly exaggerated pandemic and the implementation of the "Great Reset" (I strongly suspect that they are related)?