Monday, April 5, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, April 5, 2021

  • Real COVID death rate 0.15% from Left Lockdown Sceptics: Socialist anti-lockdown news and analysis. My reaction: This figure was furnished by a research study conducted by Stanford epidemiologist John P.A. Ioannidis, and was peer-reviewed. But the ruling class has its approved "experts", and Ioannidis is not on the list. Therefore, it will be totally ignored by the ruling class's major media corporations. Instead, we will get uninterrupted fear campaigns with their insistence that we should wear masks, experience soul-crushing lockdowns, and take our "medicine" in the form of untested, experimental vaccinations. 
You cannot understand the present unless you were furnished with accurate information about the past (history). Unfortunately for you, you have been given a history written by the secret services of the USA, mainly by the CIA. However, Cynthia Chung, who has done enormous research, has liberated true history from the fake that you have been fed by institutions that are all under the control of the capitalist ruling class.
  • New Yorker Uses Cartoons to Boost “Uyghur Genocide” Myth by Brian Berletic from his weblog Land Destroyer Report. My reaction: The busy, trying-to-survive ordinary Americans usually swallow US imperialist propaganda, but Berletic makes a herculean effort trying to expose it for what it is--lies.
... capitalism cannot do anything but accumulate more and more capital. And capital is virtually everything that exists, from the raw minerals and petrol deep in the earth’s crust, to the fish in the sea and trees in the boreal range, to governments and politicians, to our own personal information and preferences. It has created a global arrangement of power that must use obfuscation and violence, or its threat, as a way of keeping the engine running. 
Orphan forgot to include racism in the weapons that the tiny class of capitalists has used against the survival of humans. Racism has been used to divide humans so that capitalists can continue plundering and destabilizing the Earth's miracle ecosystem that supports all life.