Saturday, April 17, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, April 17, 2021 (abbreviated post)

Let's express this as clearly as it can be expressed. Any journalist who treats unverified stories from the CIA or other government agencies as true, without needing any evidence or applying any skepticism, is worthless. Actually, they are worse than worthless: they are toxic influences who deserve pure contempt. Every journalist knows that governments lie constantly and that it is a betrayal of their profession to serve as mindless mouthpieces for these security agencies: that is why they will vehemently deny they do this if you confront them with this accusation. They know it is a shameful thing to do.

But just look at what they are doing: exactly this. These are not journalists. They are obsequious spokespeople for the CIA and other official authorities. Even when they learn that they deceived millions of people by uncritically repeating a story that the CIA told them was true, they will — on the very same day that they learn they did this — do exactly the same thing, this time with a one-paragraph Treasury Department Press Release. These are agents of disinformation: state media. And when they speak, you should listen to them with the knowledge of what they really are, and treat them accordingly.
My reaction: Over my lifetime of 85 years I have seen "state media" evolve exclusively into disinformation and propaganda agents knowing that their reports will be disseminated by career-oriented "journalists".
  • One Man Stands in the Way of NATO’s Run Onward to Moscow by Phil Butler from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: I spotted what I believe is an editing error in the 2nd to the last paragraph: "Is heavily involved in helping promote the EU’s Three Seas Initiative (3SI), which is an asymmetrical warfare economic platform to cut Russia off from the EU, and install the U.S. and central European powers in her place in East Europe." Because of Butler's preceding arguments, I think that "The Heritage Foundation" should immediately precede the sentence.)