Thursday, April 22, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, April 22, 2021

  • The Covidian Cult (Part II) by political satirist CJ Hopkins from his weblog Consent Factory, Inc. (Note: He occasionally detours from his usual ridicule and becomes serious in exposing what he calls the "covidian cult".)
  • Forging Vaccine Passports featuring James Corbett from his weblog offering his insights that forging vaccine passports is not the answer even though reporting on this solution is accompanied by propaganda to encourage fake passports. My reaction: What is the solution to this? Unfortunately, this anarchist doesn't have an answer because "the powers that shouldn't be" (read our "ruling capitalist class") are coming with their solution because "it is for your own good". Listen to what their solution is!
  • US Order Against Russia: Italy at Attention by Manlio Dinucci, translated from Italian on Il Manifesto, and reproduced on Global Research. (Note: This report reveals how the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire is currently imposing "such costs as to cause a strategic impact on Russia”.)
  • The Impact of Population, Productivity, and Consumption on the Planet featuring Jaia Syvitski, professor at the University of Colorado and Stuart H. Scott, educator and environmentalist discussing the climate crisis. My reaction: I notice that Prof. Syvitski emphasizes population; and whenever Scott introduces that capitalism is a central problem, she always brings back the subject of population as the problem. She is in tune with our transnational ruling class of capitalists as expressed by Karl Schwab and the Great Reset as the solution to our climate crisis--the very thing that capitalism promoted along with its alliance with Christianity and similar religions.