Monday, May 10, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, May 10, 2021

  • Google CAUGHT Helping CIA Spy On You featuring Jimmy Dore, normally a comic (def--#3), seriously exposing the CIA, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., the rest of their media corporations and their role in subverting real news coverage in the USA. (Note: "establishment" = the ruling capitalist class.) My reaction: I wish the general population could be as informed about our masters as comics like Dore, Hopkins, and R. Brand are.
  • 💥Propaganda and the Media: Part 1 – Introduction by Larry Romanoff from "The Saker" blog. This is a best post. (Note: You will need to know what "DDoS" means.) My reaction (Revised my reaction at 6:30 AM CT on Tuesday.): This knowledgeable person packs a lot of insights and factual history in this post. I especially found his comments about Chinese news media helpful. I rarely agree 100% with my posts, but I agree with probably 95% of this post. No one person knows everything! That is why we are social animals and depend on each other for the truth, among other important things. However, we are up against a US/Anglo/Zionist Empire that intentionally deceives us. I will provide my differences from Romanoff in future commentaries or reactions.
  • USAID admits to Venezuela regime change fraud featuring Anya Parampil and Red Lines' channel on YouTube revealing a well-kept secret. From The Grayzone. (Note: Because YouTube is playing games with left-wing and independent websites, you will need to watch the video directly on YouTube.)