Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, May 4, 2021

At first, having done some research on "Henele" who is a naturopathic physician, I decided not to post this interview on my website; but after reading the entire transcript of the interview, I felt that "Henele" was making a sincere effort to investigate the pandemic which others of my posts weren't asking the appropriate questions, were ignoring discrepancies, and having a too narrow of focus. I personally was frustrated last summer after learning from a very sociable person that she knew of no one who was afflicted with Covid-19 in our town of 12,000, but she qualified her position by saying that she knew of hospital statistics in a nearby large city that many people have come down with Covid-19 illness. Then I kept noticing reports of doctors being pressured by health authorities to declare the coronavirus reason for someone dying, and hospitals being offered money incentives to diagnose deaths due to Covid-19 illnesses. 
I had in an early career with a state Department of Rehabilitation directly experienced the gross inflation of numbers of "rehabilitations" to justify higher budgets and was pressured to "play along with the game". After a while and learning that this was the same situation in many states, it disturbed me so much that I ended up quitting an entire career that I had trained for.
My suspicion is that the ruling capitalist class, for various reasons, intentionally brought about this pandemic. They first created Covid-19 illness and somehow spread it in China, their number one enemy. The concentration of ownership in private enterprise and the concentration of the medical professions (no longer can doctors afford to set up a private practice) under chains of authority (bureaucracy) that physicians can be easily controlled. 
And he follows this caption with the first paragraph as follows:
One of the primary plagues of corporate journalism, which I have documented more times than I can count, just reared its ugly head again to deceive millions of people with fake news. When one large news outlet publishes a false story based on whispers from anonymous security state agents with the CIA or FBI, other news outlets quickly purport that they have “independently confirmed” the false story, in order to bolster its credibility (oh, it must be true since other outlets have also confirmed it). 
  • Recognizing Lies about Latin America: Seven Tips by Laura Wells from Dissident Voice. My reaction: She immediately starts with a false assumption: "A focus on lies about Latin America is important because we do care about how the US treats other people ...". Unfortunately, that is not true. Being focused on surviving and otherwise distracted, Americans mostly ignore how the government treats other people in foreign lands. They mostly believe what their told by the "talking heads" on major TV stations. But her advice on detecting lies is spot-on.