Saturday, June 12, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, June 12, 2021

Organized crime joined the criminal ruling capitalist class in plundering the rest of USA for profit and power. The ruling class is essentially criminal (asocial) because they are driven to exploit the rest of American society to promote their self-serving interests. They are both "birds of a feather" that use violence to obtain their power. The only thing that is different about the ruling class is that they have developed and mastered the persuasive techniques of indoctrination and propaganda, and are willing to use violence (or the threat of violence) if indoctrination and propaganda fail to effect compliance by the rest of society to serving their self-serving interests. 
Organized crime was welcomed by the capitalist cabal in the State Department (think the Dulles brothers, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc.) that sought to build an empire after defeating the overtly fascist-capitalist regimes of the Axis Powers. They initially supported German capitalists with international approval and financial support by other capitalists because they saw them as useful to destroy the Soviet Union (read my commentary and this article) which was the only state that didn't permit capitalism. But early on they saw the German fantasy of the Third Reich threatening the power of the British Empire, so they soon joined up with a winning combination of English speaking nations to eventually build a US/Anglo/Zionist Empire (after 1967 the financial power of Zionists were admitted to the Empire). 
After WWII, organized crime used Harry Truman who was easily duped to launch their war on the New Dealers, many of which were socialists and communists, from the FDR administration; and set-up the CIA, an unaccountable subversive organization to pursue directly the policies of the ruling capitalist class. The capitalist cabal launched an anti-communist crusade which included attacks on unions (Taft-Hartley Act) and attacks on left-wing liberals, socialists, and communists (read this article).
  • News on China (in sixty seconds) via the YouTube channel of Dongsheng News. My reaction: Yes, China is booming because the US ruling class has shifted much of its industrial work to Chinese capitalist industries in order to take advantage of cheaper labor and greater profits. Too bad for US workers who in my youth were internationally famous for their "Yankee know-how", but that is the way capitalism works. Now that China is developing into a rival of US capitalists, the US ruling class is worried--but not worried enough to shift their work back. "Profits über alles" is the theme of all capitalists. Now our masters can only threaten China with violence.