Sunday, June 27, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Sunday, June 27, 2021 (Note: Additional post at 11:40 AM CT.)

  • The Flying Pangolin by Andreas Canetti from The Unz Review. Posted on this website by Brad Fredricks and reviewed by him as follows:
The Flying Pangolin hypothesis circles around the idea that covid was/ is a bioweapon released by the Trump administration. Citing the phylogenetic (evolutionary) history of covid, the report highlights the known variants equal likelihood of having been born out of the United States, and China. 

A plausible series of events, what stood out most to me was the ideas around the shutdown of Fort Detrick in July of 2019, which coincided with a respiratory illness outbreak at the Greenspring retirement home a short distance away, and just before the mystery vaping lung sickness that presents just like covid.

While that story was laid to rest with the CDC claiming Rhino Virus, the Flying Pangolin begs the reader to ask questions as it weaves together events, surfacing the conclusion that COVID was a bioweapon used for economic opportunity.