Monday, June 7, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, June 7, 2021

  • Covid, Cybernetics, And The New Normal by "anonymous" from Wrench in the Gears.
This is a guest post written by a humanities teacher and freelance writer who holds a masters degree from the School of African and Oriental Studies, a public research university in London. It lays out over fifty concerns regarding pandemic policy implementation and plans for a cybernetic future, full spectrum dominance of life on the planet by defense, bio-tech, and finance interests. I’m glad to be able to share my platform so this detailed analysis can be more widely distributed.
  • James Corbett Presents to the Corona Investigative Committee​ featuring James Corbett being interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich of the Corona Investigative Committee (based in Germany) about Corbett's investigation into the corona crisis and the future of humanity.​ My commentary follows:
    Early in the interview (02:45m) Fuellmich asks a very profound question: "What drives them? I mean they have enough money." The answer furnished by Corbett can be condensed in one sentence: The transnational capitalist ruling class of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have bought into the assumption that humans are an exceptional species. Because they have long discovered that wealth brings power in its wake, they have pursued the accumulation of wealth. Now that they have so much wealth (besides the fact that power/control is addictive), the Empire's ruling class fantasize about a corollary of wealth/power: they must overcome death to prove the validity of their assumption.
    They recently embraced the high technology of digitization of everything (the "Great Reset") in order to realize their fantasies.
    But doubts are creeping into their mad-power-complex, and most notably from the Russia-China-Iran combination which threatens not only their Empire, but also the pursuit of their assumption. Too bad for us, the rest of humanity, this mad pursuit threatens the survivability of our species ... and most others. 
  • Gaming Our Lives: Pay for Success Finance. Bonnie Faulkner, of Guns + Butter, interviews (nearly an hour) Alison McDowell who has been described by others as a mom, an independent researcher, and activist. (Note: A script furnishes the introduction to the thoughts of McDowell followed by the nearly hour-long audio interview.)
  • Space Oddities by Bernhard, a German independent blogger, from his weblog Moon of Alabama