Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, July 6, 2021 (abbreviated aggregated post)

There may be fewer people like Australian virologist Danielle Anderson who dares to share what the targeted WIV lab she worked in is really like. It has the highest biosafety designation, she said, and she is "dumbfounded by the portrayal of the lab by some media outside China, and the toxic attacks on scientists."

The mission for the U.S. intelligence is self-explanatory: to blame the outbreak on China whatever it takes. Flashback to 2003 and the vial of detergent before the Iraq War. It should still remind the United States of the huge embarrassment and the dark stain on its credibility when politics override facts.

My brief commentary follows:
Why are only two plausible ideas about the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic: Natural origins via other animals versus a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute? It seems to me that there is a third theory that is likely an almost probability, but it isn't being considered: a planned conspiracy by biowarfare agents of the USA under the direction of the ruling class to carry out this project because it would likely create numerous problems for China. Scientist's reluctance to take part in this quarrel is understandable.
The evidence that US agents have already committed such an act during the Korean War is overwhelming (read This Must Be the Place by Dave Chaddock). Perhaps Chinese authorities, with their tendency to avoid any kind of conflicts (as well as a lack of proof), and US media corporations with the hesitancy to consider such an unthinkably criminal theory--they both refuse?
  • Exxon Admits Capitalism Created The Climate Crisis by Nathan J. Robinson from Current Affairs. (Note: The title is erroneous, they didn't admit that "capitalism created the climate crisis", only Exxon admitted that it did. The author has posed a dramatic headline to lure leftists into reading the article. Robinson also thinks that socialism is equated with social democracy (def.), a common mistake in the propaganda-infused (def. #3) USA and other capitalist nations.) 💥My commentary follows (this is a best commentary):
Socialism is a new, unformed system. The attempted first appearance was in Russia after the Bolsheviks attained control of the government in 1917 and changed the name of Russia to the Soviet Union. Unlike capitalism which has been in existence for the past several centuries, socialism's first appearance met fierce resistance from capitalist nations (see this and this), led by the British Empire which affected the course of socialism in that country from monarchy to a deformed socialism under the autocratic control of Stalin and his bureaucracy.

This history of socialism means that true socialism, that is, a drastically limited role for privately owned commerce in which they do not play a significant role in the economy, and in industry none at all. In the Soviet Union family-owned enterprises such as stores, lodging, and farms were acceptable. Socialism does not exist in this contemporary world. At best there are mixed economies typified by China and Russia in which their economies have a mixture of control by government and private enterprises. But this is not fully formed or mature socialism where ordinary people have control over the economy as well as all other institutions.
  • The Real Role of NGOs in Venezuela from Internationalist 360° which translated an article from Misión Verdad. (Note: Using the example of Venezuela, this article explains why it is so difficult to expose the role of NGO's operating on behalf of the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.)
The US and British governments had openly armed and trained these groups during World War 2 and have since provided them with support through organisations like USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and through more clandestine and indirect forms of support, particularly in regards to providing arms and military training.

These ethnic armed groups now play a key role in training the so-called PDFs fighting government forces in Myanamr’s urban centres as well as funnelling war weapons to these armed groups.

Little if any mention is made of the atrocities carried out by these ethnic armed groups, atrocities that have been ongoing throughout the decades in their fight to divide Myanmar into a patchwork of Western-sponsored ethnic narco-terror fiefdoms.