Thursday, July 8, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, July 8, 2021 (abbreviated aggregated post)

  • Corporate Socialism: The Great Reset featuring Michael Rectenwald, and his insights about the Great Reset, the latest fantasy of billionaires to save capitalism, being interviewed (nearly one hour) by Bonny Faulkner (audio only) from her website Gun & Butter. (Note: This use of the word "socialism" is only to highlight corporate rule. Corporate "socialism" = fascism.)
  • The Issue of Asbestos Exposure in the U.S. by Gregory Cade from Activist Post. My reaction: I am surprised that the author didn't mention the recently settled legal case against Johnson & Johnson corporation, a producer and seller of a Covid-19 vaccine, for including asbestos in their baby powder. (Personal note: I occasionally used this product in my crotch while bicycling long distances, but I suffered no ill-effects.)