Friday, August 20, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Friday, August 20, 2021

If immunity wanes, what will happen a year after the third shot? Will there be a fourth shot, and then one every single year after that? Will these be required to update ones “vaccine passport”? As far as a shot every year, that’s where we seem to be heading for those who are willing to do it. We will see what happens.
Unfortunately, the science behind natural immunity, which can reduce the severity of disease and even protect against it, has been completely ignored. 
I recently spoke with independent investigative journalist and writer, Cory Morningstar, about matters Covid19 hysteria & propaganda (with a focus on Ontario), the experimental & dangerous so-called "Covid vaccines" & the endless boosters that will follow, the opioid epidemic & Big Pharma's role in it (including the jab makers), and SPARS 2025-2028.
  • Snopes Founder CAUGHT Plagiarizing & Deceiving Readers featuring Jimmy Dore of the Jimmy Dore Show (via his YouTube channel--11:53m) reporting and satirically commenting on the plagiarizing discovery of Snope's fact-checking lauded by the likes of the NY Times and the Washington Post.
  • Afghanistan by Margaret Kimberly from Black Agenda Report. (Note: In this article Kimberly gives a summary of the true history of USA's involvement in Afghanistan during the last 40+ years.)
The Covid fear fog is thinning, people are starting to wake up a little, and the people running things need everyone to be afraid.
America’s war in Afghanistan was just one chapter in a period of presumed unipolar dominance. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Washington moved quickly to demonstrate geopolitical power with a litany of illegal wars and military interventions. It became known in Neoconservative [Zionist] parlance as “full-spectrum dominance”. We also saw Neoliberal narratives for imperial power under the rubric of “humanitarian wars”. But basically, the underlying rationale was the same: unilateral military force to assert U.S. global hegemony.

The first Gulf War against Iraq came in 1991 followed by the U.S. invasion of Somalia – Operation Restore Hope with its Orwellian rhetoric that set the pattern for many subsequent military escapades. The U.S.-NATO blitzkrieg against former Yugoslavia in 1999, and then other wars for natural resources and regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and ongoing in Syria, among other places.

This is the proper context for the U.S. and NATO occupation of Afghanistan. It is more accurately explained in terms of Washington trying to impose imperial might aided and abetted by Western lackeys
[located in the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire]. [my insertions]
Initial impressions point to increased maturity. The Taliban are granting amnesty to employees of the NATO occupation and won’t interfere with businesses activities. There will be no revenge campaign. Kabul is back in business. There is allegedly no mass hysteria in the capital: that’s been the exclusive domain of Anglo-American mainstream media. The Russian and Chinese embassies remain open for business.
Moderate Rebels live: Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the US military pullout from Afghanistan with journalist Pepe Escobar, who has extensive experience reporting in the country and was even arrested by the Taliban.

We will talk about the 20-year US/NATO war, opium ratline the CIA used to fund dirty covert ops, fight over geostrategic pipelines, and estimated $1 trillion worth of untapped mineral reserves, as well as Washington's "pivot to Asia" and how Afghanistan is central in the new cold war on China and Russia.
  • Iraq: The Restless Centennial of Statehood by Viktor Mikhin from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: The author gives us a snapshot of the true history of Iraq after the British carved out a territory that became Iraq a century ago.)