Thursday, August 5, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, August 5, 2021

Has the flu and the majority of colds been eradicated from society because of mask wearing and social distancing as the so called experts contend or is it more plausible that every case of the sniffles for the past year and a half have been wrongfully diagnosed as Covid-19(84)? Are the current PCR tests reliable and what does the FDA, WHO and CDC say about its use today and in the near future? In this video [18:03m] Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest controversial announcement from the CDC which states that the “CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses”. Dan also proves that the “fact checkers” can simply not be trusted. [my insertion]
In the global war on national and individual sovereignty — for which COVID-19 has been serving as the unlawful casus belli — two tactics long favored by tyrants have been deployed by government officials and mainstream media to utmost effect, successfully distracting many citizens from the increasingly aggressive attacks on their civil and human rights and livelihoods.

The first tactic — the sophisticated mobilization of appeals to fear — has steered many individuals into unquestioning compliance with harsh public health authoritarianism. The second — the promotion of divide-and-conquer theatrics — has been instrumental in helping build public support for coercion, including vaccine mandates.

After a brief summer respite, fear-mongering is once again in full swing, with headlines screaming about a “highly contagious mutant version of the coronavirus” (dubbed the “delta variant”) and yet another seeming rise in “cases.” 
Imagine a country where there’s no separation between the government, the military, and the media. A lot of Americans would think of China, Russia or North Korea, but it’s a perfect description of the United States today. And here in Washington, the think tank inside this nondescript building – Center For A New American Security (CNAS) – is the clearest example of just that.

CNAS is a premier militarist think tank in the nation’s capital, especially for Democratic Party administrations. It is funded by the State Department and Pentagon and has taken more money from weapons companies over the last several years than any other think tank. On top of that, it’s funded by oil companies, big banks, and right wing governments – basically the most destructive forces on the planet.

With ominous music in the background, young people are asking, “What can businesses do to help fight the climate crisis?” before adding, “I’ve got a few ideas…” Kids from around the world, variously earnest, funny, hip and cute, chip in with their concerns and their suggestions. We finally cut to an idyllic lake scene, with a young man diving off a boat, and we are left feeling reassured that everything will be ok after all, because: “108 businesses have accepted the challenge, The Climate Pledge, Paris, 10 years early, Paid for by Amazon, co-founder of the Climate Pledge.”
He introduces Christiana Figueres, former UN Climate Chief and now Head of Global Optimism (I kid you not), who reassures us that all of this is “science driven.”
  • 💥Arctic Apocalypse featuring Patrick Hogan, an earth scientist; Mark Anderson, CEO of Strategic News Service; asking questions of Peter Wadhams, introduced as one of the world's leading polar scientists--from the YouTube channel of Facing Future (31:51m). This is a best post. My reaction: I can't understand why Wadhams appears to be much of the time smiling and even chuckling over his dire answers. I guess it is better to laugh than to cry over a major disaster facing all life on Earth, including humans, and not in the distant future.