Monday, August 9, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, August 9, 2021

Although US politicial (sic) figures try to convince the rest of the world that those are merely “research centers” where American specialists help local scientists develop ways to combat dangerous diseases, Washington carefully supresses (sic) any information about what is actually taking place inside those military facilities. Elected officials of the above-mentioned have no real idea what goes on inside behind closed doors. The US centers deployed across those countries and the research facility at Fort Detrick’s military base, where Pentagon lab-coats have been working on weaponizng (sic) biology for decades are one and the same. 
A few paragraphs later Platov writes:
The fact that the US has never stopped producing biological weapons, contrary to all international conventions, is no secret. And this is confirmed: there is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA in the Pentagon, which is engaged in developing and implementing the most advanced technologies in the military sphere. And it has a biotechnology department that does just that. The US Defense Department admits that their technology is dual-use. However, under US law, certain types of experiments are prohibited in the United States due to the threat they pose to the local population. This means that they are held abroad, including in the former Soviet Union area. 
My reaction: Could it be that our masters in the ruling class have always seen the benefits of biological warfare (and they used biowarfare in the Korean War but they always denied it)? This arrangement suits them perfectly--they can deny the development of biowarfare weapons while working to develop them in labs abroad.
Unz brings us up-to-date on the issue of biowarfare long stifled by our ruling class. This post lends support to my contention that our ruling class is so amoral that they are capable of doing anything, including the murder of their own mothers, to achieve greater wealth and, especially, power. They are the ultimate control freaks!
You might find evidence that Unz is anti-Semitic in such clauses as the following: "... his Jewish tormenters (sic) drew upon their almost unlimited funding to hire an army of researchers who spent a year or more subjecting Irving’s vast corpus of writings to line-by-line and footnote-by-footnote scrutiny, ...." This is not accidental. I've found numerous examples in his writing where he uses the generic word "Jews", instead of Zionist Jews or right-wing Jews, in a negative way. But this quirk of his does not lessen the importance of this article or especially Thomas's book entitled Baseless.
  • Arithmetic by Michael Brenner from Consortium News.