Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, September 21, 2021

General Note: I have another appointment today related to my problems with my hearing aid. The effect for my today's posting will be that I will be posting in two parts: earlier and later (today). The following will be edition one:
The unchecked expansion of the US secretive military biolabs network along the Russian borders is a matter of concern not only to Moscow but also to many post-Soviet republics and the international community. To this date, the United States has created an actual spider web of secret biolabs around the world. Since 1997, Pentagon has dragged in this program more than 30 countries as partners of this American “initiative”. All these installations do not include 400 facilities on the mainland United States which are also involved in working with pathogens.
A false premise. This is the way minds are shaped in the era of mass propaganda and servile journalism. Assume (or make believe) something is true despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and build from there. Slip in this premise or background assumption as if it were truer than true. This is what has happened throughout the media in the last two weeks. It is not new but worth pointing out.

The false premise is this: That 9/11 was a terror attack carried out by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda as blow-back for American wars against Muslims, and this terror attack on the U.S. led to the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

  • EPA exposed for hiding chemical risks, favoring corporate interests by Carey Gillam from
    U.S. Right to Know. My reaction: I've read so many books and articles charging the EPA with major crimes that I'm not surprised. It is another small piece of evidence that the government serves corporations and not the people--in other words, fascism.
Edition two:
I think that this interview is very significant because it illustrates how normally intelligent, honest people have swallowed most other capitalist ruling class narratives, but when aroused sufficiently through fear campaigns and the loss of comforts, they don't realize that they have been swallowing whole all the other lies that they have been fed for many decades. 
The transnational capitalist ruling class has used their power in the world to extract extra benefits from the rest of the world outside the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire and shared some of the loot with the classes in the Empire below them. Many of the latter classes have enjoyed comforts denied to much of the world outside of the Empire. However, people living in resisting nations such as Russia, China, Iran, etc. are not going along with the Empire's hegemonic fantasies.
Meanwhile, the ruling class directors of the Empire have longed waged an assault on the minds of people under their control to view history and contemporary events as reflecting what they wanted ordinary people to believe. These narratives were a revised history and propaganda that all served capitalist interests of wealth and power. Now that some intelligent people are beginning to investigate these narratives and question them during a pandemic that brought misery to them, they are beginning to wake up. Hopefully, this trend will result in further investigations and questions which will result in the vast majority of people under the Empire becoming aware that they have been thoroughly deceived about reality.
  • The Fallout From The AUKUS Deal by Bernhard, a German independent thinker, from his weblog Moon of Alabama. (Note: You might also by interested in this post by M. K. Bhadrakumar, and Indian analyst, from Indian Punchline.)