Monday, August 22, 2011

NATO-backed forces move into Tripoli

Click here to access article by Patrick Martin from World Socialist Web Site. 

This author provides an excellent, well researched report on the apparent fall of the Gaddafi regime within an anti-Empire framework.  This is not easy to do in the chaotic and fast moving developments of a war zone. 

For an on-the-scene report from Tripoli, Mahdi Nazemroaya, a Canadian journalist, reports on his perilous situation and perspective in these two videos from RT. It seems that NATO is doing nothing to protect the international press. Notice how the RT media people describe what is happening as a "revolution", whereas Nazemroaya sees it very differently.

In case you were still thinking that NATO was on a "humanitarian mission", then you must read about "The Scramble for Access to Libya’s Oil Wealth Begins" in the NY Times.