Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Great Putsch: welcome to post-democratic Europe

Click here to access article by Jérôme E. Roos from Reflections on a Revolution.

With the removal of European leaders elected in ruling class managed elections, it has become even clearer what "democracy" is to the ruling elites: merely a facade for them to hide behind. When the facade no longer serves their purposes, they ignore it and show the reality of capitalist class rule.
Having pushed through “technocratic” regime change in Greece and Italy, the EU is paving the way for the diktak of an unaccountable clique of bankers.
Paul Feldman in his article entitled, Goldman Sachs adds Italy and Greece to its portfolio, reports
that the newly appointed puppets on stage are connected with Goldman Sachs--hence, he makes the argument that the puppeteers who are directing the stage play from behind the curtain in Europe are Goldman Sachs.  

He concludes his essay with some hopeful comments:
As the present political system is ossified, alienated and generally in someone else’s pockets, then it follows that entirely new forms of democracy are needed. The assemblies that have been a feature of 2011’s uprisings are an experiment in democracy that actually works.

Democracy here is not an add-on, to obscure some other power relations, but a conscious effort to do things better. The general assemblies have the potential to go further than the spaces they currently occupy. People’s Assemblies can become not just the voice but also the power of the silenced, disenfranchised 99%.

They could reach out to neighbourhoods and communities and offer new forms of representation, participation and direct democracy. A network of assemblies could begin to draw up strategies and plans for a democratic alternative to the power and rule of the market capitalist economy.