Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Syria In Western Strategy For Global Military Supremacy

Click here to access article by Rick Rozoff from Stop NATO. 

I find the author's writing style--his use of lengthy, complex sentences--rather difficult to read, but in this piece he provides considerable evidence of NATO's penetration into the MENA region. While he offers no specific evidence, he provides a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that NATO is now targeting Syria as their next victim and addition to the Empire.
If indeed Syria becomes the next Libya and a new Yemeni regime is installed under the control of the Gulf Cooperation Council, then the only nations remaining in the vast stretch of territory known as the Broader or Greater Middle East, from Mauritania on the Atlantic coast to Kazakhstan on the Chinese and Russian borders, not tied to NATO through multinational and bilateral partnerships will be Lebanon (see above), Eritrea, Iran and Sudan.