Monday, November 7, 2011

Libya Recolonised

Click here to access article by Aijaz Ahmad from Frontline [India]. 

This rather lengthy article provides breadth, depth, and passion to the events recently concluded with the Empire's victory over Libya. It is well worth your undivided attention. You may think that you have already read all there is to know about the subject; but I think after reading this article, you will change your mind.
Suffice it to say that the fall of Libya is likely to serve as the first major step in the offensive to capture Africa's plentiful natural resources. In the fullness of time, as multiple insurgencies and bloodlettings are let loose across the continent, we are likely to see the erection of many new bases for the AFRICOM-NATO combine, very much on the model of Iraq and Afghanistan. The objective is not only to reserve African resources for the Euro-American imperium as much as possible but also to deny those resources to China....