Monday, November 7, 2011

Scramble for Africa

Click here to access article by John Cherian from Frontline [India]. (The link to the Frontline article can no longer be accessed, but I found it again at this link.)
The installation of the National Transitional Council (NTC) government in Libya by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) could signal the beginning of an open neocolonial scramble for Africa. Suspicions about such a blueprint were first aroused when President George W. Bush set up the United States-Africa Command (AFRICOM) in 2008, months before demitting office. The demand for a permanent American military footprint on the African continent had come from right-wing think tanks that enjoyed great clout in the corridors of power during the eight years of the Bush presidency.
Because there are so few independent Western journalists covering Africa, the Empire's media coverage shows little restraint in reporting events there from a highly skewed point of view. This magazine from India is helping to fill the vacuum.