Saturday, February 11, 2012

The big banks win again

Click here to access article by Matt Stoller from Salon. 
...this agreement is simply a continuation of the policy framework of both the Bush and the Obama administrations. So what, exactly, is that framework? It is, as Damon Silvers of the Congressional Oversight Panel, which monitored the bailouts, once put it, to preserve the capital structures of the largest banks.
Read also this article entitled, "Obama administration brokers pro-bank mortgage fraud settlement", from WSWS for more details.

This is just another piece of evidence that the One Percent rules the US with impunity. We live under a dictatorship of the One Percent. The only final solution is to take away their power, and to do that, we must take away their system of capitalism. And, how do we do that? Stay tuned, or better yet, stay active and informed.