Friday, February 10, 2012

Chris Hedges and Kristof Lopaur of Occupy Oakland debate black bloc, militancy and tactics.

Click here to access original sourced link at KPFA, Berkeley, California.

On Monday, February 6th, Chris Hedges posted an article on the web entitled, "The Cancer in Occupy", in which he roundly criticized the Black Bloc as being a threat to the Occupy movement. His article has since stirred up a lot of discussion in the activist community, particularly in Oakland. 

In this KPFA program entitled, "Letters and Politics", the program host Mitch Jeserich has invited a discussion between Hedges and an activist from Occupy Oakland, Kristof Lopaur, to discuss the issues related to the Black Bloc. The discussion starts at about 5 minutes and continues until 56 minutes into the program. I also recommend that you read the comments following the progam.

Letters and Politics - February 8, 2012 at 10:00am

Click to listen (or download)