Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Attorney General Holder defends execution without charges

Click here to access article by Glenn Greenwald from Salon.

It seems that there is hardly a week goes by that further evidence of the descent into fascism appears. This is change alright, but I doubt that it is "change we can believe in".
In a speech at Northwestern University yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder provided the most detailed explanation yet for why the Obama administration believes it has the authority to secretly target U.S. citizens for execution by the CIA without even charging them with a crime, notifying them of the accusations, or affording them an opportunity to respond, instead condemning them to death without a shred of transparency or judicial oversight.
The article is fairly lengthy. For something shorter I recommend this piece from the ACLU entitled, "Video: Holder Talks About Targeted Killing Program While DOJ Says It Can't".