Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The “Cancer” In Occupy? An Anarchist Reponds

Click here to access article by David Graeber from The Occupied Wall Street Journal. 

This is a modified version of Graeber's piece originally run on an obscure website called N+1 on February 9th, which I posted here on February 11th. Because Chris Hedges' article trashing the Occupier movement got so much attention over the internet, and Graeber's response has gotten so little until now, I am posting this slightly modified article once again. 

Graeber, unlike Hedges who loves to sermonize from a privileged middle class position, is thoroughly qualified to speak about Occupier tactics having been a participant observer for several years, a professional anthropologist, and anarchist. 

He is the author of an excellent anthropological study entitled, Direct Action, which is about direct actions used in anti-globalization protests at various elite summit meetings . I cannot recommend this book enough to understand all issues related to Occupier activism occurring today.